Our Services

General Dentistry Services

  • When in need of a restorative option that will cover a damaged tooth, a crown is a great solution. The crown is placed on teeth that have lost most of the structure. Our office provides various types of crowns, ranging from full porcelain to full gold. Our Dentists will explain the advantages of each, and which crown will benefit you best.

    The process for receiving a crown can be as simple as two visits to our office. Impressions of your tooth or teeth involved will be taken in order to create a custom crown that will match your original tooth. After impressions are taken a temporary crown or bridge is placed over your teeth. In the meantime, the impressions are sent to the lab where your custom crown is made. The completed work is sent back to the office, and after thorough inspection and any necessary adjustments, the permeant crown is fitted onto your teeth.

  • If you’re missing teeth due to gum disease, tooth decay or injury and are looking for an option that will not only improve the appearance of your smile but also the functionality of your mouth, then dentures could be an option for you. Most frequently, implants are the best option. At our office we provide well-fitted partial and full dentures in various types of materials and models to best suit your mouth.

  • Not only is having a dry mouth uncomfortable, but it can also cause decay due to the lack of saliva. It can even be difficult to talk and swallow food due to this lack of saliva, which is why at our office we provide comprehensive treatment based on your specific case. The treatment will improve your dry mouth and overall quality of life.

  • At our office you and your dental needs are important to us. That’s why we take dental emergencies seriously and make you the priority. Our Emergency Dentist can resolve most toothaches or other dental emergencies within the same day, Monday through Friday. For same day service, we suggest that you call the office early for swift service as new patient appointments and emergency appointments go fast!

  • At our office we take care of a variety of dental needs for patients of all ages. Pediatric Dentist - At the very young age of one years old we can start educating parents on the right way to take care of your child’s new erupting teeth. Even though those teeth will eventually fall out it is still important to establish healthy habits early on. As your kids get older it is vital that they come into our office at least twice a year for a cleaning. For adults it is our goal to make sure that you maintain the best dental health and appearance for a beautiful smile. As our patients age it is still important to maintain the functionality and look of healthy teeth. Our dental practice is your families one-stop-shop for all of your dental needs.

  • Dental hygiene is the easiest way to make sure that you are making a daily effort to maintain healthy teeth and gums. Good oral hygiene is vital for a mouth to look and smell healthy and clean. Pink gums, lack of bad breath and clean teeth are all signs of good hygiene. In order to maintain good oral hygiene you must brush your teeth twice a day, floss at least once a day and use dental products containing fluoride. Additionally, lightly brushing your tongue can help remove bacteria and also freshen your breath.

  • Many people may not realize it but your oral health can affect the overall health of your entire body! Whatever your age may be, your oral health is very important and can help show signs of nutritional deficiencies or general infection. Not all dental problems are painful right away, which is why regular dentist visits can aid in catching serious dental issues before they worsen. Make an effort to take care of your oral health and your body will do the same for you.

  • Periodontal disease is an infection of the gums, periodontal ligament and alveolar bone that surround the teeth. The main goal of treating the disease is to control the infection. Depending on the extent of the disease there are numerous types of treatment. Our Periodontist may suggest deep cleaning, medications, surgical options or simply changing certain behaviors. Gum disease can tend to cause health problems beyond the mouth, which is why it is very important to least make sure you are taking the right steps towards good oral health.

  • When missing a tooth or multiple teeth, a bridge can restore function and make your smile look completely normal. A bridge is a series of crowns that are connected to close the gap created by missing teeth. Bridges are minimally invasive.

  • No one likes to hear the dentist say you have a cavity, or a few. But if you do, our office offers a variety of tooth-colored filling options to fix a cavity so you can leave our office pain free with no sign of that pesky previous cavity.

  • When it comes to having a root canal, it’s actually much more quick and painless than most people would think thanks to advanced techniques and materials that are used by Endodontist today. Someone who has a tooth that is badly decayed or that has become infected is a good candidate for a root canal. The tooth is made up of three layers that consist of the enamel, dentin, and the pulp, from outermost layer to innermost. The treatment for a root canal entails going inside the pulp space and removing the infected, dead tissue. This space is then disinfected and sealed. In most cases, once the root canal treatment is complete, a crown is placed on your tooth by your restorative dentist to safeguard against fracture.

  • If your teeth are prone to cavities then sealants could be your solution. They are made up of a resin material that is applied to your cavity-prone teeth and act as a barrier to prevent cavities from forming. Sealants are a quick and easy process for the dentist to apply. The sealant is simply painted onto your tooth enamel where it will bond directly to the tooth and then harden. Sealants hold up well under the force of normal chewing, so as long as the sealant remains intact the surface of the tooth will be protected from decay.

  • Professional dental cleanings performed by skilled hygienists play a critical role in preventing oral health issues. Even with diligent brushing and flossing at home, plaque can build up in hard-to-reach areas over time, eventually hardening into tartar. This can lead to various oral health problems such as cavities and gum disease if left unchecked.

    During a professional cleaning, built-up plaque and tartar are expertly removed, reducing the risk of developing cavities and gum disease. This process also includes thorough polishing, which contributes to a brighter smile. CWD Dental Group recommends bi-annual visits for professional Teeth cleanings to help keep your teeth and gums in optimal shape.

Cosmetic Dentistry Services

  • A great option for those who are wanting to recreate the natural look of teeth for a more attractive smile while still keeping their original teeth would be porcelain veneers. The many benefits of veneers include having the ability to make slight position alternations to your teeth and changing the shape, size or color of your teeth.

    The process of installing the veneers involves removing less than a millimeter of original tooth enamel in order to apply the veneer. A curing light is then used to harden the resin that is placed between the original tooth and the veneer.

    If you have fractured teeth, gaps between your teeth, minor bite problems, or stained teeth that don’t react well to tooth whitening then you would be a good candidate for Cosmetic Dentistry with porcelain veneers.

  • When it comes to having a beautiful smile that you’ll want to show off at any occasion, having bright white teeth plays a key role. Teeth stains are inevitable due to the variety of foods and drinks (soda, spicy food, coffee, etc.) we tend to consume. Luckily, we have a solution to whiter teeth that won’t involve giving up some of your favorite foods. Advanced teeth whitening technology has enabled dentists to whiten teeth without adversely affecting the tooth structure, while also making it quick, painless and affordable to you

    When it comes to whitening your teeth there are multiple methods, but some are more effective than others depending on the concentration of the whitening material used and how it’s applied to your teeth. This tends to be the reason why less potent over-the- counter whitening systems usually don’t give patients the results they are hoping for.

    The two main methods of professional whitening are tray whitening and in-office whitening. We do not use the hyped-Zoom method as we have found better, longer-lasting results from the whitening methods our office provides.

    Tray whitening: an impression is taken to create a custom tray for the patient. A supply of whitening gel is then given to the patient in which he/she will wear the tray filled with the whitening gel for a few hours each day (techniques differ). This regimen continues until an acceptable result is achieved. It is normal to experience sensitivity of the teeth during the transition when using this whitening method.

    In-office whitening: the most efficient means of whitening. When using this method, you are able to have your teeth whitened in just one session and achieve significant results.

    Our team will recommend the best method for your optimal dental health and provide more detailed information

  • Whatever your age may be, when it comes to having straight teeth the thought of having a mouth full of metal may not sound very appealing. At our office we offer the best options for straighter teeth that will have you feeling comfortable and leave you feeling confident.

    Invisalign is a cutting edge approach to treatment that will have little inconvenience to your life but will greatly impact how you look and feel about your smile. Invisalign has clear comfortable aligners that are smooth and virtually invisible, easily removable for cleaning and will allow you to eat whatever you want. Ask our dentists if Invisalign is right for you.

  • Bonding, also known as fillings, are one of the easiest and least expensive cosmetic dental procedures that can be can be done with a single visit to the dentist. Bonding is the application of a tooth-colored composite resin, or plastic, that is used to repair a decayed, chipped, fractured or a discolored tooth. It can also be used to make teeth appear longer.

  • When in need of a restorative option that will cover a damaged tooth, a crown is a great solution. The crown is placed on teeth that have lost most of the structure. Our office provides various types of crowns, ranging from full porcelain to full gold. Our Dentists will explain the advantages of each, and which crown will benefit you best.

    The process for receiving a crown can be as simple as two visits to our office. Impressions of your tooth or teeth involved will be taken in order to create a custom crown that will match your original tooth. After impressions are taken a temporary crown or bridge is placed over your teeth. In the meantime, the impressions are sent to the lab where your custom crown is made. The completed work is sent back to the office, and after thorough inspection and any necessary adjustments, the permanent crown is fitted onto your teeth.

Surgical Dentistry

  • Sometimes due to trauma bone graft surgery is needed. During this in-office procedure, we are transplanting bone tissue. Of course, before undergoing a procedure of this type your highly-skilled Dentist will explain all of the details and options with you and discuss your personalized patient treatment plan.

  • Dental implants have become a desirable alternative to other methods of replacing missing teeth. The many benefits that come with choosing to have dental implants are the natural look, feel and function of having real teeth, the permanency of the implant lasting your entire life, as well as the implants having the strength of real teeth. Structurally, a dental implant is a small titanium screw that takes the place of the missing tooth’s root. After a period of healing when the implant is able to fuse to the bone to act as an anchor for the replacement tooth, a crown (cap) is then placed on the implant.

    The dentist will be able to tell if you’re a candidate for dental implants after evaluating your specific case. Most patients with sufficient bone mass can have implants, however it can vary for some individuals depending on if there is enough bone for the specific implant needed. Typically, an x-ray and CT-scan are performed to determine if there is enough bone for an implant.

  • When it comes to having a root canal, it’s actually much more quick and painless than most people would think thanks to advanced techniques and materials that are used today. Someone who has a tooth that is badly decayed or that has become infected is a good candidate for a root canal. The tooth is made up of three layers that consist of the enamel, dentin, and the pulp, from outermost layer to innermost. The treatment for a root canal entails going inside the pulp space and removing the infected, dead tissue. This space is then disinfected and sealed. In most cases, once the root canal treatment is complete, a crown is placed on your tooth by your restorative dentist to safeguard against fracture.

  • Wisdom teeth are the final teeth to erupt and usually don’t come in until a person is in their late teens or early twenties. They are the third and last molars on each side of the upper and lower jaws. There usually isn’t enough room left in your mouth to accommodate them, so wisdom teeth ultimately have to be extracted through a relatively routine procedure, in a relaxing, painless environment. Your dental health impacts your body’s overall health and our objective is that while providing quality dental care we make sure your surgical experience as comfortable as possible.


(Temporomandibular Joint)

  • TMJ stands for Temporomandibular Joint, which is a term used for the joints on each side of your jaw where your upper temporal bone meets your mandible. Some people have pain that stems from their TMJ that can cause pain in the face, neck, back, shoulders and head. Other symptoms associated with TMJ may include painful popping or grinding of the jaw when talking or eating, sense of dizziness, ringing in the ears or temporary loss of hearing. There are a number of treatment options for TMJ problems. Talk to your dentist about a treatment plan for your specific case.

  • It is common for people to grind their teeth during sleep without realizing it, ultimately wearing down and damaging their teeth. Wearing a mouth guard during the night is an easy solution in helping to save your teeth. Ask your dentist about the right mouth guard for you.

  • Snoring is a problem that many people struggle with, which is why our doctors have different treatment options that can aid in stopping mild to moderate cases of obstructive sleep apnea. Our doctors will help decide which device will best fit you.

Comfortable Amenities

We understand that visiting the dentist can sometimes be a source of stress or anxiety. That's why we've crafted a serene, inviting environment and curated a range of amenities to make your visits as soothing and stress-free as possible.

If there is anything else we can do to make your visits more enjoyable, just let us know!

Sedation Dentistry

We specialize in sedation dentistry, employing state-of-the-art techniques and technology aimed at delivering a stress-free, comfortable visit. Our commitment revolves around personalized care, where our experienced doctors meticulously consider your physiology and individual circumstances to tailor the sedation approach, guaranteeing the most favorable experience possible.

Convenient Scheduling

We understand that your time is valuable, and so is your oral health. That's why we've made scheduling your dental care as effortless as possible.

With our user-friendly online scheduling system, booking your appointments is just a few clicks away. Say goodbye to waiting on hold or trying to find a convenient time during office hours. Our intuitive platform allows you to take control of your dental care 24/7, from the comfort of your home or on-the-go.